Hey Pizza Lover!

Do you dream of pizza that's not just a quick bite, but a culinary masterpiece?

Imagine the satisfaction of shaping the dough with your hands, witnessing the transformation in your oven, and finally achieving a pizza with a crispy crust and an airy crumb. That is Pizza Romana!

This course isn't about shortcuts. You'll learn the secrets of handling high-hydration dough. We'll explore the magic of slow fermentation, unlocking a depth of flavor that will surprise you.

Forget complicated equipment. This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to achieve pizzeria-worthy results using your home oven. This course is an opportunity to connect with Italy's culinary heritage and experience the joy of crafting a memorable Pizza Romana.

Pizza Romana is an art form waiting to be mastered by you.

Pizza is all about Passion!

If you love pizza, you deserve to become a Home Pizzaiolo!

Join me on this adventure. Enroll today!

  • Discover the Process

    Discover how to make a delicious pizza at home. Learn to craft a pizza that is crispy outside and very light inside.

  • What you need

    The only tools you need are your hands, a standard kitchen oven, and a lot of passion.

  • Master the Craft

    Follow the detailed step by step instructions to become a Home Pizzaiolo

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

  • 2

    Stage 1 - The Dough

    • Brief description (2 min)

    • Step 0. Prepare ingredients and tools. (15 min)

    • Step 1. Mix and autolyse (35 min)

    • Step 2. Add salt and mix. (5 min)

    • Step 3. Rest → Intensive Stretch and Fold (ISF) (35 min)

    • Step 4. Rest → Bench Fold 1 (15 min)

    • Step 5. Rest → Bench Fold 2 (15 min)

    • Step 6. Room Temperature Bulk Fermentation (90 min)

  • 3

    Stage 2 - Cold Bulk Fermentation

    • What is it? (1 min)

    • Step 7. Cold Bulk Fermentation

  • 4

    Stage 3 - Final Proof

    • Step 8. Divide, Shape and Proof

  • 5

    Intermezzo - Toppings

    • Keep it simple (2 min)

  • 6

    Stage 4. Bake

    • Step 9. Preheat the Oven

    • Step 10. Bake 1

    • Step 11. Bake 2

    • Step 12. The Pizza is Ready

  • 7

    Next Steps

    • Resources

    • Final Recommendations

    • Before you go...

Umberto Percoco

Ciao, I am Umberto, your instructor. It's very likely you don't know me. You must be asking: Who is this guy? So, let me tell you a few things about myself.

I am a theoretical physicist (seriously) with a strong passion for baking. I was born in Italy and during my early teenage years moved to Venezuela where I spent most of my life. When I was in graduate school, I lived in the US. Now, I am back in Italy.

Over a decade ago, I became interested in home baking, perhaps to compensate for the abstract thinking required by Theoretical Physics. The interest in pizza and bread became a hobby, then a passion, almost an obsession. Then, finally, I became a devoted Bakery student. A status that I still happily hold.

I made experiments, failed a lot, more experiments, took some classes, improved the outcomes...

Finally, I built a beautiful wood-fired oven and opened my own pizzeria to offer the Traditional Italian Pizza (following Napoli's tradition). At the same time, I started teaching how to make Bread and Pizza Romana at home. Since I love teaching, this was a natural development of my passion.

I strongly believe that knowledge must be shared. It is the way of building a Culture.

Since the end of 2017, I have hosted an AirBnB-Experience teaching how to make Pizza Romana. This has allowed me to teach hundreds of wonderful people from all over the World. Also, I have been teaching and coaching online in 1-1 meetings.

This site is a channel to share the experience gathered during my years as an artisan baker, a baker physicist (as someone recently defined me).

My intention is to pass on to you some of the passion I have for fermented dough and artisan baking.

Make Pizza, Make Bread, and have fun doing it!